Newsletter - February 2023

It's a jam packed edition to kick off 2023! Take a look at the advice we've collated from freelancers all over the world all organised into easy sections. We explore what it takes to start a VA business with the VA Institute and showcase the automated bank feed suggestions feature released just before Xmas - plus loads more!

Our biggest roundup of freelance advice EVER

Over the last few months, we've been working on something big behind the scenes. We collaborated with dozens of successful freelancers, asking them one question: 

"What is the best piece of advice you would give other freelancers?" 

We got so many excellent responses, and now we've compiled them all together in one big resource anyone can access. 

We've divided the advice into 5 sections which you can explore at your own pace: 

🚀 Launching your freelance career

🤑 Managing your money

🔎 Finding your first clients

🧘‍♂️ Striking a healthy work-life balance

🌱 Growing and scaling your business

If you didn't get a chance to contribute this time around, don't worry! We'll be growing this piece with more advice over time, and we're always looking for freelancers to contribute to our newsletter and blog. You can let us know you're interested in sharing your insights (and getting a bit of exposure) by filling out this form

Finance Tip of the Month

Lauren Thiel - Founder of The Real Thiel - Accounting for Creative Freelancers

"New year's resolutions can be stressful and overwhelming. I find it's easier to think of an overarching word or theme for my year and focus on that, like "Passive Income" or "Super-Savings."

Try breaking down annual goals and objectives into quarterly ones so you know what to give your attention to for the next 12 weeks, and so on. For example, the first quarter might be on organising yourself, the next one on generating new leads, then maybe you focus on personal health goals, then on saving - or whatever is relevant to you!"      

Survey Results: December  

In December we asked - What are your goals for 2023? Here's what you had to say:

December Survey Results

Just over half of freelancers who answered our final survey of 2022 said earning more income was their main goal this year. If you fall into that group as well, we have some great resources for you: 

How to improve your pitch strike rate and bring in more clients

How to set the right prices for your freelance business

How to build your first freelance marketing strategy

How to use passive income to grow your business

Freelance Career Spotlight

Ingrid Bayer - Founder of the VA Institute

If you’re considering a career as a freelance virtual assistant, then Ingrid Bayer is someone to watch. She’s the founder of the VA Institute, which provides resources, training, and coaching to budding virtual assistants. Ingrid sat down for an interview to share her advice for anyone interested in being a VA. 

New Rounded Feature! 🥳Automated Bank Feed Suggestions

New Feature - Automated Bank Feed Suggestions

Our newest feature makes tracking your expenses even easier. If you’ve previously added a similar expense, Rounded will review it and make future suggestions on how to categorise it. You’ll get automated suggestions for vendor, GST status, category, and what percentage of it counts as a business expense. You can make changes if you need to of course, but this update will save you lots of time when managing your expenses. Click here for more details

Learn the Ins and Outs of Rounded

Join our weekly "Introduction to Rounded" Webinar

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Curious to learn how it works?

Come join our weekly Rounded 101 Webinars, free to anyone who wants to discover how Rounded helps make managing business finances quick and easy.

The Rounded Roundup

Our Fave Stuff From Around the Web

From Rounded's Friends

The Freelance Jungle

How to pick freelance allies

Learn how to find the right people to make up your personal freelance community.

Creative + Plus Business

The habits of gratitude

5 simple steps to practice gratitude, even in challenging times.

Podcast: How to level-up your content writing service with SEO

How to level-up your content writing service with SEO

Thinking about offering SEO as part of your freelance writing service? Wondering what it's like living as a digital nomad in 2023? Rounded's own resident SEO expert Liam Carnahan joined a recent episode of The Content Byte podcast to discuss all that and more. 

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple Podcasts

News Update: Aussie freelance rates are on the rise 📈

Australian Freelance Rates Jump 6% in 2 Years

David Bentley, founder of &FRIENDS, told the Little Black Book online that freelancers in Australia are earning far more than they were just two years ago, in part due to how the pandemic has changed working life across the nation. Read the full article here. 

From the Rounded Archives

Financial tips for creative freelancers

Think you aren't cut out for money management? Think again. These finance tips are specifically for the creative-minded.

How to develop a standout USP

Make your business stand out from the crowd with this guide to developing a unique selling point (USP).


Rounded is simple accounting and invoicing software made for Australian sole traders and freelancers

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