Rounded Product Update - August 2024
There's exciting product updates at Rounded. We've recently grown our development team and there’s plenty of new and improved features in the works. Especially if you use time tracking!
What’s new?
Multiple invoice reminders and custom sending times
We’ve added a lot of flexibility if you need to nudge your clients about outstanding invoices. Up to 4 reminders can now be sent, both before and after the invoice is due, and you can choose exactly what time of day to send them.
Here's what to look out for over the next few weeks:
Spacious UI for managing time and expenses on an invoice
Time and expense management on invoices is now a lot roomier! Rather than cramped in the sidebar we've given each their own spacious window that includes more data for additional context.
New options when invoicing tracked time
Often it's not ideal to include each and every time entry on the invoice itself. Perhaps time tracking is an internal process for your own billing or your client simply does not require the details on the invoice itself.
When invoicing time you'll soon be able to:
Consolidate all tracked time into a single line item
Consolidate each project into their own line items
Consolidate hours (one line item with the total hours worked and the rate)
Timer - start and stop times
The timer itself will be getting some fresh UI changes and will record the start and stop times of each entry (e.g started 9:30am - stopped 1:10pm) instead of simply recording the hours and minutes.
Change to timesheets
The way time entries appear on the timesheet will be changing. Currently the timesheet consolidates similar entries together even if they occurred on separate dates - not ideal in some scenarios. This behaviour will be changing to ensure similar entries with different dates will appear standalone on the timesheet.
Hiding completed projects and archived clients
The time tracking UI can become cluttered with old projects that have been completed. We'll be making some changes to hide completed projects or belong to archived clients.
Coming before Christmas
Data feeds from Stripe and Square Payments
We know many of our customers use other tools for taking payments in their business. Running subscriptions through Stripe or taking point of sale (POS) payments with Square are common examples. Similar to bank feeds, we're working on integrating data streams from Stripe and Square accounts so you can easily reconcile external payments and their associated fees within Rounded.
New invoice editor
Better design and customisation tools are some of the most frequent pieces of feedback we receive. Our goal is to build the most flexible invoice designer in the industry for those who want it while retaining all of the simplicity for customers who just want something that looks professional out of the box. There will be some larger changes coming to the invoice editor over the next few months as we need to rebuild some of the foundations to achieve this.
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Invoicing and accounting software for sole traders. Get paid faster and relax at tax time.